
Premiere Support from IPS pics 0003 Barbie London Eye PhotoshootIMG 9945IPS equipment has been on the carpet for the biggest films of the summer, including Barbie, Oppenheimer, Mission Impossible and Indiana Jones

Ampthill 2023 IPS web story pics 0004 Ampthill 2023 7140363Staging & Structures, Lighting, Video, Sound and Power supplied for the 2023 Ampthill Festival series.

instagrid ONE at IPS 0003 IMG 2501instagrid MAX One Battery Pack arrives at IPS

Dragon Boat 2023 03 BoatIPS are in the race for 2023 to raise money for Backup Tech

GLP X5IP arrives at IPS 01100 in stock - IPS has the World’s First hire stocks all cased and ready to go…